Living Room Vs Family Room Vs Lounge

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Living Room Vs Family Room Vs Lounge. a drawing room is what the living room used to be called before tv. If you have a drawing room today it would be a family room with no tv which doesn't really exist anymore. a study is a small room with a desk some books n computer. But no bills. That would be an office. A library is a large room with a lot of books n not necessarily a desk. The distinction between a family room, living room, and recreation room is fluid, but can be classified according to three characteristics: location, function and design. Football games on large color televisions made family rooms large enough for parents and children more popular during the 1970s. In homes with more than one, the family room is less formal, both in function and furnishings.

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Living Room vs. Family Room. The difference between a living room and a family room has often confused people because both spaces in the house are where people gather. Nowadays, open concept. If you have a smaller home with no family room, your Living Room is a catch-all. It is for entertaining your family as well as guests. Read about how much furniture you need in a living room. There is an old-fashioned difference between a living room and sitting room. A sitting room was filled with over-sized, plumped up seating. The term “Living Room” made its debut in the early 19th century. Front room, lounge, fore room, hall are various similar terms used to describe living room. It is the gathering place of a house, space where family members come together to spend time.

Key Difference: In today’s context, both living room and drawing room refers to a room in a residential house that is used for relaxing, socializing and entertainment of guests.However, the term living room was coined in 19 th century and is regarded as the extension of the term drawing room that came in existence in 16 th century.. House provides not only shelter to the people living in it.

a drawing room is what the living room used to be called before tv. If you have a drawing room today it would be a family room with no tv which doesn't really exist anymore. a study is a small room with a desk some books n computer. But no bills. That would be an office. A library is a large room with a lot of books n not necessarily a desk. Along with the kitchen, the living room is the main common space in most family homes, but the exact nature of how to use it has been mysterious for a long time.. According to Joan DeJean, writing for the New York Times, living rooms started out as formal display spaces for welcoming guests in the 17th century, but slowly morphed into the more casual gathering spaces that we know today. Family room vs. living room. There have been so many questions as to when can you call a place in your house a living room or a family room. Sometimes people tend to use these rooms in the wrong manner or interchangeably. They may sound the same but they have so many differences. Is there a difference: family room vs great room? Yes, there is a difference when it comes to a family room vs great room. One is very specific, and the other is a more all-encompassing space, often comprising the totality of the communal living spaces in a home. A family room is a casual space designed for the family who lives there